Letter from a mum of the pandemic- the upside of having more time together!

anxiety anxiety relief art therapy mindfulness mindset money Mar 01, 2022

Dear Mum of the Pandemic,


I was a first-time mum who just skipped covid for the birth of my first son. I did however go into lockdown when he was quite young and my mothers’ group had to stop. Then I had my second son in august of 2021. At least I was able to have him with my hubby by my side and my mother was able to visit. However my dad, and in laws were not allowed to visit as we were in lockdown. They did not meet my son until he was 3 months old which is crazy.


I thought it would be a lifestyle change, but I never expected the emotional roller coaster that goes with it. I have never felt more exhausted mentally and physically. My body still hasn’t recovered. I also didn’t realise how rewarding it would be to see your little people grow and achieve their milestones.


The reality of motherhood is so tiresome that you can feel it in your bones. It’s having little people rely on you for everything 24/7. It’s feeding, sleeping, cleaning, repeat. The monotonousness of it all can really play on your mental state. The isolation can be really lonely, which hasn’t been helped by covid. Moving somewhere new with little ones, made it really hard to meet people with covid.


The pandemic had challenges of being isolated from other mothers, friends, families. Not having that support close by. Meeting new people in a new home.


On the flip side, it was great not to have to manage in less visitors in the first months, so you could get into your groove without being tired and having to entertain. It allowed for great family time, especially for my husband who worked from home so he had more time to bond with the boys.


Look at the positives that your little family will have so much time together.


Always ask for help and try and get some time to yourself. A happy mum makes a happy bub.


Don’t listen to the advice, use your intuition. Just smile and nod. 


Love From,

A fellow Mum of the Pandemic xx