Is your self-worth defined by your salary?

corporate identity maternity leave money self-worth Jul 05, 2022

As the 1st of June was approaching, so was my excitement (or should I say nervous excitement) for the kick-off of the National inaugural campaign, 'Kick fear in the butt'. 


Kick fear in the butt was born 11 months ago when I hit rock bottom with my mental health after returning to my Corporate job post-maternity leave for ONLY two hours. 


This campaign was born as a means for me to continue my healing journey and to help inspire people worldwide to feel the fear but be courageous anyway! You can read more about the campaign via this link


What occurred for me to walk away after only two hours of being back from maternity leave cannot be shared yet; however, I will say that many systems, structures and leadership styles are outdated and require a drastic shift. More on this at a later date!


Although I was somewhat expecting this news, I didn't expect the wave of emotions that followed over the next 30 days. 


Sadness, hurt, uncertainty, shame, anxiety, depression and guilt were all experienced throughout the 30 days.


I now know that despite the amount of "work" you have done around your healing, sometimes you cannot predict how your brain responds when reality sets in.


Our deep conditioning around the need to "work hard.", "make sacrifices", and "do what it takes" to be successful had me sitting in a place of deep fear around my prospects of future success and potential poverty.


These emotions signalled that I still had work to do around clearing these limiting beliefs around money, success and self-worth. 


I have intentionally used the word "success", as this is something I call BS on, and I am passionate about provoking change on this definition. 


The size of your pay cheque does NOT define your success in life. 


Yes, money gives you the freedom to have a roof over your head, feed your family and indulge in your desires; however, I ask you, at what cost? 


Do you value the size of your pay cheque over your happiness?


Is the status of your job more important than living an intentional life, where you have a deep knowing that you are worthy and living in alignment with your purpose?


Money is replaceable; however, time isn't. 


What legacy would you leave if today was your last day on earth?


The time is NOW to create awareness of how you truly feel, and what matters.


You can have money and live in alignment; however, the important message here is that money and status do NOT define your worthiness.


Let the deconditioning and healing continue.


Because you are enough!


Tammy x


#courage #fearless